Honda TL125 Homepage

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I'm an owner of a Honda TL125 vintage trials bike, bought with the intention of riding it on the AHRMA and STRA modern classics -class. I've had my share of difficulties when trying to find information, spares, upgrade parts and accessories for the bike. To help others, and hopefully learn more from them, I have set up the following pages. I hope you find them useful.

Honda TL125 FAQ
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about the Honda TL 125 on the fabulous Thumper page (now up to ver 2.4).

Note: Restored July 17, 2011 and now hosted on KAILA.NET

Honda TL125 Parts and Resources
A list of companies that offer parts and/or services for the TL125.
Honda TL125 Information
Miscellaneous information related to TL125 specifications, maintenance and tune-up.
Honda TL125 Links
Miscellaneous TL125 related links.
AHRMA and TL125
Modifications to TL125 allowed in the AHRMA "modern classics" class.
Honda TL125 Owners Page
List of TL125 owners.
TL125 Message Board
Message board for everyone interested in the TL125. This is the board index as it was last retrieved by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine!
Story of My TL125
How to fit earlier model sidecovers on 1976 TL125S by Tony Fletcher.
BIG Bore TL125
UPDATED! How to do an ultimate big bore TL125 by Mark Worsfold and a cautionary tale from Al Johnston.
Simple TL125 Wiring diagram
NEW Here is a simple wiring diagram to get your TL going.
Buy and Sell Resources
So you want to buy or sell a TL or parts? Here are some resources and pointers.
TL125 Controls
Tips and tricks on improving the controls (clutch, brakes etc.) on the TL.
Honda Part Numbers
Understanding the numbering system used for Honda motorcycle part numbers, especially as this applies to TL125.
NGK Sparkplugs
A brief summary of the code numbers used in the NGK sparkplugs.
Feedback Page
Send me feedback about these pages.
Bike humor
mostly sent to me or collected from various sources.
Simple Gearing Calculator
Some JavaScript practice, calculates the effect of sprocket changes on speed/rpm.
Spring Constant Calculator
Another JavaScript practice, calculates the spring constant "k" for coil spring from spring OD, wire diameter and number of active coils.

If you find anything you want to comment or add, please got to the Honda TL125 Feedback Page.

Miscellaneous TL stuff:

  1. Mark Worsfold sent me the following info on his projects. Please contact Mark directly if you are interested:
    "I need an Alloy Fuel Tank for my TL project, but the only way to make these affordable is to commission a batch of 5 units. These will accept the 'S' type tap and either the standard cap or a 'Monza' style flip-up cap. I'm looking for orders for the remaining 4 units to underwrite the project. Delivery is 8 weeks from date of order and the price will be £200 GB pounds + S&H or £220 with the 'Monza' cap."
    "I have also contacted a foundry nearby who are prepared to copy the nearly-unobtainable Countershaft Sprocket Cover. These will be sandcast by hand on a 'one-off' basis, and partially finished. The mounting holes will be jig-drilled, but otherwise 'as cast' to be finished yourself to the standard of your bike. Price will be £40 GB Pounds + S&H"
    "Mark Worsfold, Lewes, East Sussex, England"
And I'm personally looking for the following (elusive) used pieces:
  1. Aftermarket frame kits, such as Sammy Miller, TMI , Frazier etc.

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This page maintained by Jarmo Kaila
Last modification February 16, 2003
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Honda TL125 Homepage